Maria Moskvina, member of Paris Bar

11 boulevard Sébastopol

75001 PARIS

SIREN registration number : 877 871 947

SIRET : 877 871 947 00017

Telephone: +33 (0)

@: avocat.moskvina@gmail.com

Website owner and operator/ Copyright : 

This website is owned and operated by Maria Moskvina @ : avocat.moskvina@gmail.com

Any copying, transmission, distribution, storage or use of this website content is prohibited without Maria Moskvina’s prior written consent.

Any issues and disputes relating to this website shall be governed by French law. 

Website hosting :


2 rue Kellermann

59 100 ROUBAIX

Complaints :

According to articles L612-1 and R612-1 of the French Consumer Code an individual client, unhappy with our Law Firm services, can submit its complaint to the Legal Ombudsman :

Madame Carol PASCAREL

Address: 180 boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris

Email: mediateur@mediateur-consommation-avocat.fr

Website: https://mediateur-consommation-avocat.fr/